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AppAdvice is Looking for an Awesome Op-Ed Writer

If you know what an Op-Ed writer is and you're confident that you've got what it takes to consistently deliver strongly voiced and well reasoned editorial opinions about the iPhone Application Ecosystem then AppAdvice wants to hear from you.

The ideal candidate for this position is not only knowledgeable about the iPhone application space, he or she must be able to read between the lines, understand the bigger picture, evaluate what's happening in the news and then take all these pieces and give us a logical perspective that you can persuasively argue.

Writers with prior debating experience and those that have written editorially for print newspapers are highly desired.  We're looking for a cogent, logical, detail oriented individual that is capable of synthesizing lots of different kinds of information and then looking into a crystal ball to make predictions, or to take a strong position and then stand behind it.

This is not a position for the meek or fearful.  Blog readers are an opinionated bunch and there are times when the readers will not agree with you.  It is crucial that the candidate for this position understand that the job of the journalist is to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable".  If you can do this with poise, decorum, consistency, and also be fairly accurate with your predictions then you will get this job.

The Op-Ed writer must be willing to commit to a minimum of 1 article per day, Monday through Friday though more is certainly highly desirable.  Typically these pieces should be between 750 and 1500 words each depending upon the topic.

In addition to being on top of  iPhone news including all other iPhone oriented blogs, the writer should be comfortable contacting developers of iPhone applications and developing relationships with these individuals as a means of sourcing scoops and getting a first look at new applications before the rest of the world sees them.

Authors will receive a byline for every post, a personal profile page that includes the author's photo, links to the author's own personal pages and an index of all the stories each author has written for  You'll also get access to our immense repository of iPhone applications which means that just about any application you've ever wanted you can now have for free.  Cash compensation is dependent upon experience.

If you'd like to apply for this position, please send an email with a cover letter, your resume and at least three writing samples of editorial opinion articles similar to what we've described above.  If you also have links to published work currently online that would be a plus.

Please send your application to and be sure to indicate that you are interested in the Op-Ed position.  Thanks!