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Apple Maps in iOS 11

Apple Maps in iOS 11 Includes This Awesome Augmented Reality Trick

The World Around You
July 12, 2017

Apple’s new ARKit isn’t available to try in the public beta of iOS 11. However, the next best thing has been uncovered in Apple Maps in iOS 11, new VR/AR-like flyover tools.

Apple Maps has included city flyovers for years. In iOS 11, these beautiful displays get even better. To view the new tool in iOS 11, visit a city in Apple Maps that includes a 3-D Flyover. Notice you can now view the city by turning your iOS device in all directions.

Here’s a look at the feature with New York as the backdrop recorded on my 10.5-inch iPad Pro:

Want to see more? Here’s the feature flying over London:

I’m really enjoying this new feature in iOS 11 and can’t wait to see how it develops in the coming months.

The third iOS 11 beta is available to developers. The second public beta of iOS 11 could be released as early as this week. The final release of iOS 11 should launch in September.

What do you think of the new Apple Maps feature in iOS 11? Let us know in the comments below. 

For more on iOS 11, see: