Apple Watch Users Can Compete in a New Year's Challenge Activity
Do your New Year’s resolutions include exercising more or losing weight? You’re in luck. Beginning on Jan. 1, there’s an Apple Watch New Year Achievement Activity challenge that you can join.

Get to it
Credit: MacRumorsAs first uncovered by MacRumors, Cupertino is now notifying Apple Watch users of the new activity challenge, which encourages you to get moving and work out in 2017.
To earn the achievement, Apple Watch owners must close all three Activity rings each day for an entire week in January. The new challenge also includes special stickers in iMessages.
In November, Apple gave Apple Watch users in the U.S. the ability to earn a special achievement that was shaped like a turkey. The Thanksgiving Day Challenge was awarded to anyone who recorded at least 5K (3.1 miles) through a run, walk, or wheelchair workout on the holiday.
The New Year’s achievement is likely to be available to Apple Watch users worldwide. You’ll see the achievement beginning on Wednesday, Dec. 28 within the iOS Activity app.
Are you looking for more motivation? Our permanent App Collection includes two great lists, Get in Shape and Apps for Runners.