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Why You Don't Need Third Party Apple Watch Apps

October 15, 2022

Apple Watch has been out for a while now, and developers have had some time to create third-party apps. But if you’re an Apple Watch owner, you may wonder what the point of third-party apps is. After all, the watch comes with tons of built-in features that are perfect for quickly tracking your activity, managing your notifications, and communicating with others. 

So, do you need any third-party apps? Read on to find out!

Third-Party Apps: What’s The Deal

Third-Party Apps: What’s The Deal

The Apple Watch is a powerful device. It can do many things right out of the box, and plenty of first- and third-party apps can extend its functionality even further. But do you need any of those third-party apps?

In most cases, the answer is no. The built-in apps on the Apple Watch are more than sufficient for most people’s needs. And even if you do need a specific app that’s only available on your iPhone, there’s a good chance that you can use the Watch’s Glances feature to get the information you need without having to open up the app itself.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. If you’re a heavy user of a specific app that doesn’t have an Apple Watch counterpart, you might want to install it on your watch. However, for most users, the built-in apps and Glances will be more than enough.

Additionally, many businesses, including TripAdvisor, Amazon, Target, and Slack, have dropped their support for Apple Watch Apps. However, you can still get these apps for your laptop, phone, and tablet.

So next time you consider installing a third-party app on your Apple Watch, ask yourself if you need it. Chances are, you don’t.

Best Native Apple Watch Apps

Best Native Apple Watch Apps

There are many great native Apple Watch apps out there, and it can be tough to sift through all the options to find the ones worth downloading. Here are some top picks for the best native Apple Watch apps currently available:


You can use this app to track your daily noise exposure, set limits on how much noise you’re exposed to, and even receive notifications when noise levels exceed your limit. It’s a great way to protect your hearing and stay aware of your surroundings.


The Wallet app on Apple Watch is a game changer when it comes to efficiency and convenience. No more fumbling through your pockets or purse to find your wallet. Now all you need is your wrist!

Plus, the Wallet app gives you quick and easy access to all your cards and passes, so you can quickly pay for items or get through security without any hassle.


The Apple Watch is a great accessory for your iPhone, but you can also use it as a remote control for your Apple TV. The Remote app for Apple TV lets you control your TV from anywhere in the room, including controlling volume, changing channels, fast-forwarding, rewinding, and even playing games.


The Walkie-Talkie app on the Apple Watch is a great way to stay connected with friends and family. It’s simple to use and doesn’t necessarily require a data plan, so it’s perfect for when you’re out and about. All you need is WIFI and a Bluetooth connection.


An electrocardiogram, or ECG, is a test that measures the electrical activity of your heart. An ECG app on your Apple Watch can give you and your doctor important information about your heart health.

You can usually do ECGs in a doctor’s office, but the ECG app on the Apple Watch Series 4 can be used to take an ECG anytime, anywhere. The Apple Watch Series 4 has sensors that measure your heart’s electrical activity and send the data to your iPhone S6. You can share the data with your doctor at your next appointment.


If you’re looking for a way to get a better night’s sleep, the Apple Watch Sleep app is a great option. The app uses your watch’s built-in sensors to track your sleep patterns, including how long you sleep and when you wake up. It also provides helpful tips on how to improve your sleep quality.


Mindfulness is a perfect way to stay present and aware of your surroundings. The Mindfulness app on Apple Watch can help you do just that. With this app, you can set reminders to breathe, meditate, or practice other mindful activities. You can also use the app to track your progress and see how often you use it.

In Summary

In Summary

So, do you need any third-party apps? The answer to that question depends on what you want to use your Apple Watch for. 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive sleep tracker, the built-in app is more than enough. If you want a smartwatch that can manage all of your credit cards and passes, the default wallet app will work just fine. However, if you’re looking for specific features that aren’t included in the default apps, then third-party apps may be worth checking out. 

Just be sure to read the reviews before downloading since not all third-party Apple Watch apps are created equal! 

Have you tried any third-party apps on your Apple Watch? Leave a comment below and let us know which ones are your favorites.