Zap Zap Kindergarten Math Will Help Your Child Have Fun and Learn
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was persuading the world he didn’t exist, and the greatest trick any parent ever pulls is persuading a child to learn stuff without complaining. An app that helps with that can be an invaluable tool, and there are plenty that try to make learning fun. Here's a game that integrates learning math with mini-games to keep things light-hearted and fun while still encouraging learning.

This educational app takes the sort of mathematical problems that a child of 3 to 6 can understand and turns them into a series of quick, fun mini-games.
There are 25 mini-games in all, spread across three different worlds that you navigate to from the menu in a little cartoon rocket.
One of these mini-games contains adding and subtracting puzzles, another deals with numbers numbers, and one consists of puzzles that involve shapes and measurements.
One minute your child might be filling a box with apples while a one-eyed alien looks on encouragingly, and the next minute he or she could be counting stars or sorting shapes on a conveyor belt to be given as presents.
Through these mini-games in one app, your child will love learning kindergarten math.

One of my favorite aspects of Zap Zap Kindergarten Math is that the difficulty level of the games are adaptive. If your child is struggling the game will automatically make the solution easier. Likewise, if it's all a bit too easy the game will crank up the difficulty.
As with most casual mobile games, finishing a puzzle unlocks the next one and gives your child a reward in the form of a jigsaw puzzle piece, but it also generates data on your child’s performance that you can review on a dedicated online dashboard.
This performance dashboard is what truly makes this a top-notch educational app. You can see day-by-day how well your child is picking up the concepts taught through the puzzles.
For those keeping notes, Zap Zap Kindergarten Math is fully compliant with the United States's curriculum and aligned with Common Core.
If you want a fun app for your 3- to 6-year-old to help with learning math, this is an excellent choice. The mini-games and puzzles are fun, and the educational concepts are sound and easy for children to learn.