Smash Through As Many Ice Cubes As Possible In Bottle Cap Blitz

Bottle Cap Blitz ($0.99) by Big Pixel Studios is a 3-D action game that challenges you to use bottle caps to smash as many ice cubes as possible.
Although working at a bar on a beach has its perks, things can get quite boring when there are no customers around. While there’s nothing to do, you can have fun by finding out how many ice cubes you can destroy in 60 seconds.

Instructions and prompts help you learn how to play, but this game is so easy to understand, you don’t really need them.
You just have to flick bottle caps at ice cubes and get as many points as possible in a minute. The fact that each round only lasts a minute means that you can add quick bursts of fun to your day with this app.
You earn points for each cube you destroy, but to earn the maximum amount, you need to try to smash through as many as possible with each throw.
Instinctively, you might be tempted to smash every ice cube as soon as it appears on your screen, but doing that won’t help you reach the top of the leaderboards. To earn extra points, you have to wait to see if more ice cubes appear so you can smash through more than one at a time.
The gameplay is all about having quick reactions and in that way, it’s similar to Fruit Ninja-style games.
As you progress, you unlock special ice cubes that help you earn more points. For example, the melon cube slows time down so you can flick your bottle caps more accurately. Eventually, rocks start to appear, but you lose points when you hit them so they need to be avoided.
You earn virtual money after each round which can be used to upgrade your bottle caps. I’m not really sure what they’re for as I didn’t notice any difference in the gameplay after upgrading.

Bottle Cap Blitz was quite boring for the first few levels, but became much more interesting when power-ups and rocks were added into the mix.
If you like Fruit Ninja-style games that test your reactions and are ideal for playing during your spare time, you’ll like this app.
You can get Bottle Cap Blitz for both the iPhone and iPad for $0.99 in the App Store.
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