Get Ready For The New Addition With Ready, Set, Baby!

Ready, Set, Baby! The Watch and Learn Guide to Your Baby’s First Year ($7.99) by Open Air Publishing is a comprehensive baby book to help you get through the first year of your new baby’s life. Learn how to clip fingernails, mount a carseat, and even how to keep your little one from crying right after he wakes up.

If you are about to be a parent for the first time, you are probably worried about all of the unknowns that you are going to encounter for the next 20 years. This app will at least help you get through baby’s first year.
The experts who guide you though feeding, hygiene, sleeping, and diapering have M.D.s, M.P.H.s, and are experts in baby care. You’ll learn carseat care, step-by-step swaddling procedures, and how to put your baby to sleep using the “no-cry” method or the “cry it out” method (both are considered appropriate, depending on your baby’s personality).
Each chapter includes an article on the topic, plus videos with how-to guides, safety tips , and product selection help. You will also find links to websites that offer more information and definitions of certain works, like “doulas” and “colicky.”

As I was scrolling through this book, I noticed that there is a problem with the table of contents and its ability to properly connecting you to the subcategory you want go to. For example, if you are trying to read about switching to solid food and would like to go straight to the subcategory, “5 to 9 Months” you will be directed to the “4 to 6 Months” subcategory instead.
For about the price of your average paperback on proper childrearing, you get videos, Web links, and suggested products to keep your baby as happy as possible during the first, important year. If you are preparing for your first, or even your third bundle of joy, this app is full of helpful information that will ease you into your new life with baby.
[Edit: The app launched at $7.99 but has since increased to the full price of $9.99]
[Edit: This app has been updated with improvements for the table of contents]
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