Keep Track Of Anything About Yourself Using Reporter

Reporter App ($3.99) by ReporterApp Inc. is an extremely customizable lifelogging app. Due to its versatile nature, it can serve many purposes to different crowds of people. Whether you use it as a journal, a way to keep track of statistics, or as a resource for recording your mood, Reporter will fill the void without a problem.

The app is centered around unpredictable notifications that nudge you to file reports throughout the day. These reports include any type of question you would like, including questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No,” along with ones that can be answered with numbers, sentences, or words. Furthermore, certain questions can be reserved for answering upon waking up, throughout the day, or before hitting the sack. These can be configured in the app’s settings, which can be configured by tapping the cog in the top right corner. Here, you will find preloaded questions, as well as ones you have created with your own parameters.
Why spend time answering all of these questions, you ask? Well, it depends on what you want to keep tabs on. Do you want to track how often you have poor sleep? Would you like to look back on how much time you spend working, playing, or being by yourself? Could you imagine being able to track who you were with and what you learned each day? This is exactly what Reporter is for. The semi-manual input may seem tedious (although it’s reasonable), but it’s all in the name of science. It’s more for looking back on in the long run.
At the same time, the app will use your iPhone’s sensors to track your environment. Each time you report, it will gather the weather, the number of photos and steps taken since your last entry, your current location, and the loudness of your environment. Reporter also comes with many different colored themes, which can be configured in the app’s settings. Here, you will also find a toggle to adjust how often you would like to be prompted throughout the day to file reports, as well as the option to backup your data to Dropbox or export it as a CSV or JSON file.

Although Reporter may come across as just another journaling app, it provides a very different type of journal. For this reason, adamant users of Day One (or any similar app) like myself can use Reporter in conjunction with their usual journal and find benefits through both.
The precise attention to detail that went into making this app shines through its design, both aesthetically and functionally, with features like the one that will prevent notifications from coming in while sleeping. The ability to customize Reporter deeply also gives it the potential of being useful to just about anyone. For this reason, I highly recommend reporting the phases of your life with Reporter for iPhone, which is available in the App Store for $3.99.
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