Get Your Reflexes Ready For Endless Arcade Game Super Ccatch
Super Ccatch ($0.99) by Eduard Anton is an endless arcade game that will require quick reflexes if you want your score to come out on top. Using a single sliding control, it’s your job to navigate through the universe of falling shapes, dodging and collecting them at the same time. The only question left unanswered in super ccatch is: are your reflexes up for the test?
As shapes of various color fall through the empty black space on your screen, you must slide your platform to the left or right in order to collect them. The color of your platform will show you what type of shape to collect, whether it’s the turquoise circles, yellow squares, or pink triangles.
Along with the occasional level-up that comes with catching shapes, the color of your platform may also spontaneously change, which is something you must be quick to adapt to. Also, if you accidentally hit a wrong shape, you will lose a life (which can be obtained by collecting hearts), and your platform will change to that shape’s color. At the end of each game, which takes place after you have lost all your lives, your progress will be displayed through a score and whatever level you were on.
The one thing I didn’t realize about super ccatch before playing it was how fast it could be. The game goes so fast that it’s often difficult to see what’s going on, and for a person like myself who doesn’t have the best reflexes, things can end pretty quickly. I’m not exactly sure what it is, but for some reason, this game keeps making me think of dEXTRIS.
For a better idea of how super ccatch works, be sure to check out Joe’s post for the included video by heading over here.
If you’re like a lot of us here at AppAdvice who enjoy endless arcade games that call for quick reflexes, you’ll have a blast playing super ccatch. The game’s intense pace and arcade-like graphics, sounds, and music make it exciting and uplifting to play. For just $0.99, you can find super ccatch as a universal download on the App Store here during launch week, or for $1.99 afterward.