Calendar-Based Personal Finance App Dollarbird Flies Into First Ever Update
August 4, 2013
The beautiful and, more importantly, useful personal finance app Dollarbird has received its first update, a couple of weeks after its launch on iOS.
Essentially, Dollarbird is a smart calendar for tracking and forecasting your finances. Using a simple calendar-based interface, the app makes it easy for you to enter your past or future income and expenses and see what you spend your money on.
The app's first update ensures that you and you alone can see your personal finance activity as it adds the ability to protect your data with a PIN code. Just go to the app's settings section, enable PIN code protection, and set your PIN. Be careful not to forget your PIN, though, since that will mean locking yourself out of the app and losing all of your data.
But just to be sure, you might want to back up your data elsewhere. And to help you do that, the update offers the option to export your data in CSV format. Again, go to the settings section and tap the "Export data in CSV" option to create an email with the resulting CSV already attached.
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Dollarbird's first update also adds the ability to edit and delete the default categories. Just tap and hold on any category to rename it, change its icon, or trash it.
Also including enhancements on reminders and local notifications along with other improvements, the new version of Dollarbird is available now in the App Store as a free update or as a new $1.99 download. The app is optimized for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 6.0 or later.
For more about iOS personal finance apps, check out Know Where Your Money Goes With Spendee, Gradually And Automatically Save With Simple Finance App's New Goals Feature, and Personal Finance App Wally Wants To Know: To InstaScan Or Not To InstaScan?.
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