Apple Unveils New LivePhotosKit API to Embed Live Photos on the Web
Apple has just released a new LivePhotosKit API to make it easy for site developers to allow users to post their Live Photos on the Web.
Moving Live Photos past the Apple ecosystem
The JavaScript framework allows developers to easily allow Live Photos to be seen on site. Here’s more from Apple’s documentation:
Use the LivePhotosKit JS library to play Live Photos on your web pages.
The JavaScript API presents the player in the form of a DOM element, much like an image or video tag, which can be configured with photo and video resources and other options, and have its playback controlled either programmatically by the consuming developer, or via pre-provided controls by the browsing end-user.
Originally introduced back with iPhone 6s, Live Photos are images that also feature a few seconds of video action captured before and after the image. They can be easily shared on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac, but haven’t really taken off elsewhere.
You can read more about the API on Apple’s Developer site.