Have some fun blowing up the bad guys in Fragger 2, the long awaited physics-based puzzle game sequel

Fragger 2 ($2.99) by Harold Brenes is the long awaited sequel to the original Fragger game that came out in 2010. If you still love physics-based puzzle games and was a fan of the original game, then you will get a kick out of Fragger 2.
I remember when the App Store first came to be, and one of the most popular games at the time (and for several years) was Angry Birds. While I played it for a while, I got tired of it fairly quickly after I discovered Fragger. I mean, there was a lot more charm to throwing grenades and blowing up the bad guys than weird birds against green pigs to me. I spent a good amount of hours on the original Fragger, as well as the spinoff, and honestly, I was a bit surprised by Fragger 2 on the App Store, as I kind of forgot about it over the years (too many games for me). Regardless, I went to check out Fragger 2 anyway and it’s just as I remember.

The visuals in Fragger 2 look to be the same as the original games five years ago, but with more polish to it. If you don’t remember, Fragger 2 has an endearing cartoonish style when it comes to the grenade launching protagonist and the masked baddies who are just waiting to explode. The various environments have simple but tricky layouts, and are bright and vivid. Animations in the game are smooth and fluid, and the moving backgrounds are a nice touch. The soundtrack has a whimsical feel to it, and is fairly soothing to listen to as you plan out your explosive attack. The clicks of the grenades and other sound effects are also fun to listen to.
Like any other physics-based puzzle game, Fragger 2 is based on levels. In this sequel, there are three different worlds that contain 30 levels each, so Fragger 2 has 90 stages for you to blast your way through. The goal of the game is simple: eliminate all enemies by blowing them up with grenades. However, you only have a handful of grenades to use on each puzzle, so you have to think and plan out your strikes carefully, otherwise you’ll fail the stage or just miss out on some points. Players can earn gold medals on levels if they perform exceptionally well by using the fewest number of grenades possible.
Controls in the game are easy and straightforward, especially if you’ve played these types of games before. To aim, just hold and drag your finger on the screen. This brings up the throw trajectory that you can adjust, and there is a power meter that displays how strong the toss will be. If your finger is going off the screen while you aim, you can continue to adjust the throw with another finger, or you can tap on the button in the bottom right to cancel the toss and try again. It’s important to keep an eye on the angle and strength of the throw, as you don’t want an underpowered or overpowered throw and miss your target. The number of grenades that you have left are shown in the top left corner.

If you played the original, then you’ll feel right at home with this sequel. To keep things interesting and fresh, the developers have also introduced brand new puzzle mechanics like laser switches and gravity shifters. These new additions can lead to some awesome chain reactions, which are fun to watch.
The game has a good amount of replay value, especially if you’re the type who strives for perfection across all levels. To top things off, there is full Game Center integration for leaderboards, so you can climb the global charts as well as challenge others to beat your score.
While physics-based puzzle games were all the rage a few years ago, they seem to have died down a bit recently. However, I’m loving Fragger 2 for the polished graphics, simple controls, and challenging puzzles. Playing the sequel has reminded me why I loved the original, and it’s always good to have more Fragger in my life.
If you’re a fan of physics-based puzzle games or enjoyed Fragger back in the day, then I recommend going out and getting this fun sequel (it’s made by the original creator to boot). It’s available on the App Store as a universal download for $2.99 with no in-app purchases.
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