Test Your Military Strategy In World War II With Panzer Tactics HD

Panzer Tactics HD ($4.99) by bitComposer Online GmbH is a military strategy-based game set in the characteristic early stages of World War II. If you were in the military in World War II, would you have commanded the Allies, the Axis, or the Soviets? It’d be hard to go back in time to find out, but this game allows you to choose which side to play as, as you work your way up the ladder of military ranks and defeat the enemy.

If you’ve read any of my other articles or even just my short snippet of a bio on this site, you know I love history. I’m a pre-medical student, but as I was unwilling to let my love for the subject die, I am minoring in history. And although it sounds trite, World War II, to me, is the most fascinating era of all time. So, imagine my delight when this app that was simply made for fun actually included a complete storyline, chronicling the progress of World War II at each stage of the game.
History not your cup of tea? Some other really fun games to try out include Critter Escape, for those of you who have always wanted to free a poor baby animal from being tested on. Seriously, there are strategy games available for everyone. Since I am hoping to go to medical school, I do have a knack for science; it’s almost like Mutagen, an immunology-themed strategy game, was made for me.
Another aspect that really stood out to me in Panzer Tactics HD was the beautiful art and graphics. Whatever side of World War II you decide to be on, a realistic-looking commander that is drawn immaculately will be there to guide you on your way. The controls are also very simple. Navigating through the game is a breeze, and even though the controls themselves are a bit tricky, your “military training,” or rather, the game’s tutorial, is there to guide you through learning the game’s controls.
I also loved how flexible Panzer Tactics HD is. The app offers a wide variety of missions, officers, and available units. Whether you prefer naval action, land combat, or air force strategizing, it’s all there for you. However, one thing that did bother me was the fact that by default, campaigns are only included when playing as the Axis, unless you want to make an in-app purchase for the Allies or Soviets.

Overall, Panzer Tactics HD is a realistic historical fiction strategy game that really integrates the best of both worlds: strategy and history. It is positively addictive, and the perfect app for us history buffs who want to test our abilities in the most famous war of all of human civilization to date.
Panzer Tactics HD is universal and is $4.99 on the App Store.
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