Review: iBlast Moki
by Staff Writer
September 22, 2009
iBlast Moki got the update treatment, and with the 1.2 update there are some nice additions. First off there is a new bonus doodle themed world with 15 new levels that are extremely difficult. Plus+ is included for this set as well to compare for just this set. Not only that, but the level editor was redesigned completely making it much more user friendly.Overview
iBlast Moki is the first game from Godzilab, and is a creative and original take on the physics puzzler. Your objective is to move Mokis from Point A to Point B with the help of bombs, balloons, ropes, and wheels. Travel across six worlds facing brand new environments, and obstacles along the way. The entire game uses Ngmoco’s Plus+ network, and there is even a level editor to create your own ways to blast Mokis. We gave you a sneak peek, and now that it’s in the App store it’s time for a detailed review.
iBlast Moki is packed with features on launch. There is a campaign mode with over 70 levels across six worlds. The entire game has a realistic physics engine, and each area has its own physics environment, requiring you to alter your strategy accordingly. Not only is there a campaign mode, but also a level editor to build your own puzzles. The entire game is enhanced by the inclusion of Ngmoco’s Plus+ network. You share your created levels through Plus+. Also each level in campaign mode is score based and has achievements all tracked online through Plus+.
The Good
The gameplay is the best reason to pick this game up. Physics puzzles are always intriguing, and Godzilab has been able to combine the best aspects from various games into one. It feels like playing Boom Blox for the Wii as you place bombs to propel the Mokis as well as move blocks out of the mokis path. Then as you advance you need to build bridges, levitate the mokis, and attach them to propelled wheels. The neatest aspect of the gameplay is beginning the blast, and then when it doesn’t work, rewinding and tinkering with your mechanic. If you like puzzles/brain teasers you in for a real treat.

The Bad
There’s nearly nothing I could find wrong with this title. One problem though, is that manipulating ropes, bars, and balloons is rather difficult. When you’re trying to build a bridge, and combining multiple items, it’s extremely difficult to keep them attached.