Waveboard 2.0 Gets Rejected Over Joe Hewitt's Code
November 19, 2009
Waveboard 2.0 for iPhone has been rejected by Apple because of Three20 issue. Its the same why @joehewitt resigned.Three20 is a project by Joe Hewitt, the former Facebook app developer, who published some of his app's code so other developers could easily implement functions he developed for the Facebook app. Unfortunately it seems like some of those libraries wouldn't be completely fit for the App Store approval process and would be causing rejections, here is the issue explained by Joe Hewitt :
Each time I wrote some potentially reusable code for the Facebook iPhone app, I added it to Three20 without considering where it fit in the big picture. At worst, this leads to situations like Apple rejecting apps because of some debugging code I left in, and at best it leads to a framework in which developers who only use 20% of the code must deal with complexities they shouldn't need to understand.I'm investigating the issue at the moment and trying to find out what specifically is wrong with three20 that would cause Apple to reject apps using components from the framework. From what I've seen so far it looks like it would be related to the TTTableViewController and TTTableViewDataSource library but I'm not completely sure about it yet. [via @holtwick]