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iPad Preview: Your Digital Canvas With Layers For iPad

April 1, 2010

While some questioned the practicality of introducing a jumbo sized iPod Touch into the market, it was easily going to be the apps and the innovating drive of developers to really demonstrate the utility of having that enlarged screen. With a gorgeous high resolution touch interface, graphic designers and digital artists weren't going to be hurting for a reason to plunk down for Apple's tablet and Layers for iPad is one launch app that will help to prove it. Layers from developer Ben Gotow is a wonderful painting app for creating great digital images. Like its iPhone counterpart, Layers for iPad will feature a host of drawing tools and brushes and the ability to manipulate layers of images to compose your work of art. Anyone familiar with using Photoshop understands how great working with image layers can be. Stack up several images and easily remove elements from those beneath to reveal your desired result. Needless to say, having the extra screen space will give artists an experience like never before.

One of the great new features being touted for the iPad version will be a digital gallery integrated into the app for you to upload and share your creations with the rest of the Layers artists. You'll be able to browse the works of others and comment on them from within the app. The developer also plans to spotlight different artists and conduct contests to help drive the content of the user galleries.

The app has been submitted for approval and hopes to be a launch day title. For budding artists hoping to create using this digital canvas, expect to pay $6.99 for the app with the option for the pro version as an in app purchase for $2.99. The pro will feature more layers (5 versus the standard 2), 10 brushes instead of 3, the ability to export your work to Photoshop for further editing and additional gallery features.

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