
For Dr. Seuss's birthday, there came such a deal - ebook for 99 cents - what a steal!
I downloaded one, The Cat in the Hat to see what the fuss was - and that, folks, was that!
I was instantly hooked by app's zoomed in illustrations and all of the goldfish's anti-cat ruminations!

Each page had multiple items to tap and it'd show and it'd tell just what it was - what an app!
It's no wonder this sits in the App Top 25 - if only Geisel, himself, were alive!
He'd love that a new generation of kids had a way
Not just to read his irreverent book - but to play!

You can have it read to you or read it yourself
Keep it right in your iPod not high up on a shelf.
The Cat in the Hat can come visit - rain or shine
And the kids will have a splendiferous time!
So, what do I say? Should you go buy this app?
Why, yes! go and get it! This app is not crap!
Your kids will love it and I think you will too!
And you'll all wish you had your own Thing One and Thing Two!