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Get Up-To-The-Minute Gaming News, Cheats, And More With G4 For iPhone

June 15, 2010

Those of you who are hardcore gamers at heart can finally give your battle cry as E! releases G4 for iPhone, just in time for E3 coverage. G4 for iPhone bundles all of the great game related content from into a sleek and handy package. Keep up-to-date on all of the news and previews rumbling out of the gaming industry, including the latest announcements from E3. View some useful and fun reviews, tips, and more from episodes of X-Play, Attack of the Show, Ninja Warrior, and Web Soup. You can view full episodes of their web shows: Feedback, Fresh Ink Online, Sessler's Soapbox, and The MMO Report. That isn't it, is it? Certainly not. Read up on tons of game reviews and previews, get some nifty game cheats, or even just check out the upcoming G4 TV listings. Go grab your free copy of G4 and make sure to stay tuned to AppAdvice for your iPhone related E3 news announcements.

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E! Entertainment Television, Inc.
E! Entertainment Television, Inc.

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