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MobileMe: There Should Be One iPad App For That

July 4, 2010

Apple’s upgrade of its MobileMe portal is stunning to look at, and very functional. It is a nice step in its quest to compete with the Google and Microsoft Live portals. The service syncs with a Mac’s Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Gallery, and iDisk, allowing users to access this information using a web browser from anywhere. A user can also find their iPhone or iPad using Apple's "Find My iPhone" function.

With MobileMe a user can easily sync their data with an iPad or iPhone. In my opinion, the price of the MobilMe service ($99/year), is quite steep. Regardless, I happily pay it in order to have all of my iDevices integrate with each other and my Mac. Apple's approach to how MobilMe data is accessed on an iPad is lacking. The MobileMe website will not work on an iPad. When a user attempts to access the MobileMe website, this message pops up:

On the surface, this is not a problem.  As any iPad user knows, the device runs on apps, so Apple's in-web message appears sound and reasonable. Installing and using the recommended solutions or apps, however, proves frustrating. I will discuss each of them below:

Setup Mail, Contacts and Calendar

Each of these functions are synced the first time an iPad is used thanks to iTunes. Users need to configure the iTunes iPad sync to include this data, just like they would with the syncing of apps, music and the like.

Install Find My iPhone

Again, keeping in mind that a user cannot access MobileMe from an iPad's web browser, the Find My iPhone app is essential. The app works perfectly on the iPad and is universal. I use the same Find My iPhone app on my iPhone so I know where my iPad is located.

Install Gallery App and Install iDisk App

This is where Apple's iPad MobileMe solution falls apart. Neither app is universal, although you can install each on an iPad.  Each app looks terrible on the iPad since a user needs to maximize the app's screen, causing pixel headaches.  While a user can sync a Mac's photos onto an iPad using iTunes, I find Apple's Gallery function still important.

I have photos in the Apple Gallery that aren't in my iPhoto library and being able to view these on my iPad is essential. Additionally, I like to see which photos are available to my friends and family. This is one of the main features of the Apple Gallery function in MobileMe. The current MobileMe Gallery app falls flat in this regard.

Since the MobileMe iDisk app is not universal, it too is difficult to use. Forget about editing iDisk files on the iPad, since there is no integration back into Pages or Numbers from the MobileMe iDisk app. Viewing documents (poorly, I might add) is the only function the MobileMe iDisk app provides on an iPad.

Make Them Universal

At the minimum, Apple should make each of these apps universal. At least users could then see Gallery photos or iDisk documents clearly, which says nothing about integrating them into other iPad apps. Apple should allow access to the MobileMe website on an iPad. This may be technically impossible or perhaps we'd already have this functionality.

One App

The best solution for Apple would be to create a universal all-in-one MobileMe iPad app. As it stands now, MobileMe usage on an iPad is lacking, unacceptable and opens the iPad to criticism. Apple should do something about this either in the iPad iOS4 upgrade or even sooner.

What do you think? Please give us your thoughts in the comments box below.

Mentioned apps

MobileMe Gallery
MobileMe Gallery
Apple Inc.
MobileMe iDisk
MobileMe iDisk
Find My iPhone
Find My iPhone

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