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Teach Your iPhone New Words With iTeachWords

July 10, 2010

We've all been there. You're ploughing through a text message on your iOS 4-running iPhone, mastering the not-so-easy-to-master touchscreen keyboard like a true Apple Genius - and then, for some inexplicable reason, you hit the wrong key and you've misspelt a word. Strangely, your iPhone doesn't autocorrect it (a feature I both love and loath), but instead, the nifty iPhone spell check throws a squiggly red line underneath, and the problem is easily solved. Now here's the second scenario: you're ploughing through a text message, just like before, perfectly typing - when the red squiggly line appears under a word you've spelt correctly. Wait there, you think to yourself. I've made no error! But your phone doesn't know that, because as far as it's concerned, the word you've typed doesn't exist. Way before the final release of iOS 4, a beta version allowed users to add new words to the iPhone writing system, meaning that the problem of unrecognized words could very easily be solved. But then it was pulled before iOS 4 went on general release, and it's a feature most of us haven't ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Until now. Developer Marco Muccinelli has built an application that allows users to add new words to their iPhone dictionary, solving this problem forever (at the very least, until Apple add their version in a future iOS 4 update). The app's called iTeachWords, and it's available in the App Store now for free. As Muccinelli himself says in the release notes, iTeachWords is "smart, lightweight and free" - and he's exactly right. The application is basic, but fantastic. And the fact that the developer isn't charging a penny for it makes you appreciate this great little fix all the more. By simply opening the application, you're able to type a word and "learn" it, thus creating a list of learnt words that have been added to the iPhone dictionary - meaning that they won't be highlighted by the red squiggly line when you type them again in an SMS or email message.

So be sure to check out iTeachWords in the App Store now! At the end of the day, you can't really argue with the price - something iTeachWords really deserves to have. And let us know what you think of the application in the comments box below!

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Marco Muccinelli
Marco Muccinelli

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