Future iPhones And iPads Could Recognize Users' Heartbeat, Voice, And Face?
by Joe White
August 21, 2010
This may sound unbelievably cool, but according to a recent report by AppleInsider, Apple patent information suggests that future iDevices could recognize their users' voice, heartbeat, and face - and automatically adjust aspects accordingly (or notify the owner if an unauthorized user is interacting with the device).
Apparently, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office recently unveiled a patent application from Apple called "Systems and Methods for Identifying Unauthorized Users of an Electronic Device." This form of security involves detecting users based on their face, voice, and heartbeat.
The patent reads:
The photograph, recording, or heartbeat can be compared, respectively, to a photograph, recording or heartbeat of authorized users of the electronic device to determine whether they match. If they do not match, the current user can be detected as an unauthorized user.If an unauthorized user attempts to access a device, the owner can then be notified via a phone call, SMS message, or email. From what we've heard, it might even be possible for a photo and location to be automatically sent to the owner of the iDevice - or to the police. Obviously, this technology is in its infancy - so if we ever do see it, it won't be for a while yet. But, it's an idea of what Apple has in store for its fanboys. And, even if we have to wait a decade for it to come along, I think it would be fair to say that the wait would definitely be worth it. Let us know your thoughts in the comments box at the bottom of this article! [gallery]