Read It Later Updated - Adds A Whole Load Of New Features
by Joe White
August 25, 2010
Read It Later, the popular iPhone (and iPad) app that allows users to save webpages to read later has recently received its long-awaited update, following the version's initial rejection from the App Store.
Readers will remember Monday's article, which explained how the latest version (2.2.0) of the popular app was rejected by Apple's approval team apparently because an account was required to interact with the application.
However, Read It Later fans will be glad to know that the madness is over: the application's updated version appeared in the App Store yesterday, and it's now ready for users to download. And, download it they should - because version 2.2.0 of Read It Later has added a whole load of cool features that were definitely worth waiting for.
Aside from a variety of bug fixes and performance updates (webpage downloading is now twice the speed it used to be, guys), the app's developer has also greatly improved the sharing capabilities of Read It Later. Now, users may enjoy native sharing with Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader and more. This may also be done offline. New additions to the sharing party include Pinboard and Tumblr.
The update has also added optimization for Retina display, which iPhone 4 users will undoubtably appreciate. Now, if you own one of Apple's latest handsets, Read It Later will appear super-crisp, and will be even more of a pleasure to use. Additionally, the application's fast-app-switching has also been greatly improved.
If you're not familiar with Read It Later, be sure to check out the free version in iTunes and see what you think. It contains many of the same features as the pro version, but without the support for sharing articles. And, if you like what you see, you could always give pro a go.
However, if you're an already-established Read It Later fan, be sure to head over to the App Store on your handset (or iTunes on your computer), and download the app's latest update now! And, as always, feel free to let us know what you think of it in the comments box at the bottom of this article.