Apple Dominates Mobile Industry - Sells Less, But Earns More
by Joe White
September 21, 2010
MacStories makes a pretty interesting observation today. While Apple doesn't sell nearly as many handsets as competitive companies (Nokia, LG, etc.), the company's profit is significantly higher. Why? Because essentially, Apple makes quality products, and we pay for what we get.
The pie charts below (courtesy of Fortune) pretty much say it all. The first, highlights how many handsets Apple sells, compared with competitive companies. The second, explains exactly why Steve always looks so smug on stage at WWDC.
Personally, I'm not surprised. Over here (in the UK), the iPhone is known for its high price. Many avoid it because of the hefty contracts which are tied to the handset, instead opting for cheaper Nokia or LG phones. Regardless of this, Apple is clearly dominating the market from a profit perspective.
As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below!