A Chance To Win A Flying Chicken Promo Code With A Retweet Or Comment
September 6, 2010
AppAdvice has teamed up with haha Interactive in order to offer you a chance to win one of ten (10) promo codes for Flying Chicken for iPhone and iPod touch ($.99).
In what has been found to be a very simple but addictive gameplay style, Flying Chicken is the latest entry to the endless-climbing genre. Your mission, take a chicken to new heights, literally. Flying Chicken offers two gameplay modes, original and hardcore. Original has your normal health meter and a typical difficulty curve. Hardcore adds a lot of extra negative obstacles and provides three lives instead of a slowly reducing meter.
Tap and hold on the screen to make your chicken fly, while tilting your iDevice left or right to do the maneuvering. Your score is based on height. Losing all of your health, hitting the bottom of the screen, or getting a fall immediately item will result in game over.
There are a number of objects in your flight path, some good, some not so good. Coins, floating globs of poop, health hearts, a left to right control reverse, items to make your chicken larger or smaller, and skulls to drain your health or make you immediately plummet to your death. Coins will slowly add to your health, so will health hearts. Since they drain your health, or kill your chicken immediately, skulls and poop are to be avoided.
Making your chicken larger or smaller isn't an exactly good or bad situation. A bigger chicken can gather multiple items more quickly, but that includes items you may not want to collect. Of course, on the contrary, the smaller chicken can maneuver much more easily passed poop and skulls, but makes it more difficult to collect coins and health hearts.
Integration of the OpenFeint social gaming network offers leaderboards for original, hardcore, and total gameplay scores, plus the chance to earn plenty of different achievements.
To have a chance at winning one of five Flying Chicken promo codes, simply hit that blue tweet button near the bottom of this page or retweet this post from your favorite Twitter app before 11:59 PM PDT tonight (September 6th). We will then search the Twitterverse for all of the retweets and randomly choose our lucky winners. The winners will be notified via Twitter, so please be sure to follow us so we can send you your promo code via a direct message.
Non-Twitter users and those of you who want to increase your odds of winning can simply leave a relevant comment below before 11:59 PM PDT tonight to have a chance at winning one of the other five Flying Chicken promo codes.
Feel free to participate in the giveaway via either or both methods. Only one entry per person per method is allowed, totaling up to two entries per person if using both. This giveaway is only open to U.S. iTunes account users.