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White iPhone 4 Hiding In The Apple Store App? UPDATE - No It's Not

White iPhone 4 Hiding In The Apple Store App? UPDATE - No It's Not

October 26, 2010
Earlier today, we told you how the Apple Store iOS application had been updated to add reservations, check-ins, and more. Following this, the guys over at Boy Genius Report spotted something pretty interesting hidden away in the application: the white iPhone 4. As you can see in the above screenshot, the pearly white version of Apple's iPhone 4 handset is clearly on display, priced the same as the black handset. Could this mean Apple is planning on releasing the white iPhone 4 soon? Personally, I think this definitely heralds the release of Apple's white iPhone 4. I just can't imagine them making a mistake as big as this (though I could be wrong). What do you think? Currently, you can't reserve the white iPhone, as it's not available in Apple's Online Store. However, this could soon change. We'll be posting if any more news becomes available, so be sure to check back with us! UPDATE Looks like white iPhone 4 has disappeared. I was wrong: it was a mistake. Brian Chen, of Wired, posted to Twitter not so long ago:
White iPhone appeared in the Apple Store app for a while, but now it's gone. Guess it was a mistake.
Oh well, I suppose that means no white iPhone 4 for us. However, the very fact that it was mistakenly listed in the Apple Store application could hint at a future release. Who knows?

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