![Music Downloader Updated, Now It Actually Works](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Screen-shot-2011-02-25-at-19.08.55.png)
Music Downloader Updated, Now It Actually Works
by Joe White
February 25, 2011
Music Downloader is a $0.99 application that promises to let users search and download MP3s for free. Today, Music Downloader received an important update (version 2.0), which fixes a critical issue that had previously plagued the application.
Back when Music Downloader was released, I tried it out, and it did not work. The first version of the app promised to allow users to search and download MP3 files, and play them within the application. However, for many users - including myself - a search pulled up no results.
Today, Music Downloader was updated, and its developer noted that the "no results found" issue had been fixed. Skeptically, I downloaded the update, and typed "Bruce Springsteen" into the search box, expecting the same problem to occur once again. Surprisingly, I was wrong.
A full list of Bruce Springsteen tracks appeared on the screen. I attempted to download one, and - believe it or not - the MP3 actually downloaded. I played the track, and everything sounded fine.
Personally, I'm not sure how long Music Downloader will survive in the App Store before Apple boots it out. Obviously, this is a form of piracy - and Apple certainly doesn't promote piracy applications.
Currently, Music Downloader is available for $0.99. According to the developer, the app's price will increase to $4.99 tomorrow. If you're interested in trying the application out, hit this link, and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
AppAdvice does not condone piracy of any nature. If you like a track you've downloaded using this application, we urge you to purchase it.