Official Basecamp Mobile Web App, Available Now!
by Joe White
February 1, 2011
Apple fans can now take advantage of Basecamp Mobile: a handy, new web application that gives smart phone users on the go access to 37signals' Basecamp service.
The HTML5 web app works on iOS, Android OS, WebOS, and BlackBerry OS powered smart phones. And, what's more - it works really well, too. No software is required to access Basecamp Mobile; simply head over to basecamphq.com on your iPhone, and you'll be able to access the mobile service.
A big part of this initial release was nailing the basics that mattered the most. We had to make a bunch of hard calls about what was important enough to make version 1. That meant leaving some things out and not bringing full functionality to other things. For example, you can view Milestones but you can’t add new ones. But you can view, add, change, and assign to-dos. We plan on rounding out the functionality as time goes on.If you're a Basecamp user, head over to the web application now, and see what you think. Alternatively, take a look at the ad below. And, be sure to post your thoughts in the comments.