Recent Switcher? Check Out "Learn The Switch To Mac" From The Mac App Store
February 9, 2011
With the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad providing renewed traction for Apple's image, it's not surprising that more consumers are considering a Mac for their next computer purchase. For those who've gone ahead with switching, Learn the Switch to Mac can teach someone the basics and a few nifty tips for most of what Mac OS X Snow Leopard has to offer.
There's no need to pretend that the transition is going to be instantaneous. However, it won't take too long to learn the basic ins-and-outs. Once the basics have been grasped, fine tuning the experience will just happen naturally over time.
Learn the Switch to Mac contains brief lessons for the Apple menu, Address Book, Dashboard, the Dock, the Downloads and Stacks folders, Exposé, Finder, iCal, iChat, keyboard shortcuts, Spaces, Mail, Safari, Spotlight, System Preferences, networking, Software Update, Time Machine, and the Trash. There are over 100 tutorials containing video, audio, and live demonstration. See the app description for the full list.
The app has three primary elements: virtual Mac OS X desktop, a panel with text instructions, and the video player display. To get started, hover over and click on an app or object. The virtual user interface offers the ability to click on any of the apps in the dock and a few menubar items.
After selecting the lesson, the activity and actions are described and demonstrated first. During and after a tutorial, move your mouse over the video player display to pause or repeat the instructions, try to perform the same actions yourself using the text instruction panel as a guide, or move onto another tutorial. The Main Menu option is what will allow you to choose another lesson.
Learn the Switch to Mac is compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or later, and available in the Mac App Store now at an introductory price of just $.99.
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