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Extra, Extra - Read All About It: Random House Now An iBooks Publisher

Extra, Extra - Read All About It: Random House Now An iBooks Publisher

March 1, 2011
Random House, Inc. is now officially an iBooks publisher. Currently, iBooks - which is is available for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - is facing competition from Amazon's Kindle, and Barnes and Noble's Nook. Previously, Random House (one of the largest publishers of "physical books") had refused to make its titles available in the iBookstore. The publisher today noted that it will alter its pricing, in order to provide Apple with its required 30 percent cut of e-book sales. Random House's decision to join with Apple will undoubtedly help the Cupertino, CA company compete with other e-readers. Obviously, this is great news for iDevice owners, too. Now, the iBookstore will boast even more titles, and users will be able to take advantage of an even wider range of choice. If you haven't yet downloaded iBooks for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, click this link and take a look at the application in the App Store. [via The Wall Street Journal]

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