Transform Text And Images Into Notes With DNoteIt For iPad

DNoteIt (Free) by OnFlApp is a productivity app to capture, edit, organize and share your notes.
A built-in browser lets you copy text and images from all your favorite webpages.

DNoteIt may take a little getting used to, when first working with the app.
The browser and capture tool is the bread and butter of this app.
Once you browse and find information you wish to capture, simply tap the scissors icon to reveal a blue box overlay. A small box lets you drag and resize your selection. I found it easy to highlight only the text and images I wanted with this tool.
Helpful contextual pop-overs show reference information for any word you tap. The default sources include Wikipedia, Google Translate, WolframAlpha and Google. You can modify the sources within the preferences.
Searching provides instant results, and the app syncs with Instapaper and SimpleNote.
Share notes and pages with your Dropbox account or send it via e-mail.

It’s worth noting that DWordIt crashed on me three times while testing it.
The app isn't the most user friendly note taking app I've used and pales in comparison to the very powerful Evernote.
Though it has useful integration with third party applications, it ultimately acts as a standalone.
The layout and organization needs some attention, while basic functions such as modify and delete should be simplified.
However, I like all the tag options DNoteIt offers. Having the ability to create different sizes, colors, fonts and prioritization buttons for note tags is very useful.
DNoteIt works well with capturing notes from webpages, but falls short in organization and note creating.
Even with the issues identified, I'd recommend downloading this app while it's free. The browsing and capturing aspect of the app is very useful and the app has potential.