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Brian Mongold

Brian Mongold

I'm a tech, gadget and app fanatic whose been blogging since 2008. In addition to writing with AppAdvice, I blog at, work with the Air Force and the Air National Guard. I don't leave home without my iOS devices. Currently I have a Verizon iPhone 4, an iPad and a 2nd Gen AppleTV.
Latest from Brian
Tilt And Steer To Avoid The Line With Electro Chuck

Electro Chuck is a game that challenges you to tilt and steer your device to keep Chuck from touching the electric line. Sounds easy enough, right? Electro Chuck is easy to learn, but quite challenging as you progress. Dodge those enemies and grab bonuses as you help Chuck master each world.

Brian Mongold
Student Tools For iPad Offers An All-In-One Educational Tool

Student Tools For iPad Offers An All-In-One Educational Tool

Using your iPad to help with school work can be a challenge. Some apps can cause distraction, and it can be easy to loose your study rhythm by switching back and forth between apps. Student Tools aims to provide an all-in-one app to improve your productivity and help you remain focused.

Brian Mongold
Survive Or Fry With Zombie BBQ

Survive Or Fry With Zombie BBQ

Zombie games are quite plentiful in the App Store. While few live up to the standards of Plants vs. Zombies and ZombieSmash, many have attracted and appealed to zombie-loving gamers. Zombie BBQ looks to make its mark in the zombie genre, but comes up a bit short.

Brian Mongold
Dodge Landmines With The Grenade Survival Kit

Dodge Landmines With The Grenade Survival Kit

Have you ever needed to notify your friends when an unwelcome guest was in their presence. If you're a Jersey Shore fan, having a grenade whistle handy should help take care of the "situation." CVSoft aims to entertain you and your friends with the Grenade Survival Kit.

Brian Mongold
Groups! Free Takes Contact Management A Step Further

Groups! Free Takes Contact Management A Step Further

Have you ever wanted a better way to manage your contacts? When iOS 4.2 was released, the addition of folders should have been extended to the contacts application. Without better grouping options, it's a little frustrating trying to manage all those contacts. Groups! Free lets you take control of your contacts, while adding a few useful features along the way.

Brian Mongold