Facekandi: A FaceTime Chatroulette App For iPhone
by Joe White
June 17, 2011
Facekandi is a recently updated application for the iPhone and iPod touch, which allows users to engage in a Chatroulette-style game using Apple's FaceTime video calling service. The app is currently available to download in the App Store for $0.99.
While other FaceTime-powered services haven't been all that successful (due to low adoption rates, apparently), Facekandi is hoping to be the exception. For $0.99, users of the application get to "play" a Chatroulette-style video chatting "game" with other FaceTime fans. Facekandi promises not to store users' personal data or Apple IDs, which is good news. However, it does not promise to protect users from "abusers" of the application (those familiar with Chatroulette will know exactly what I'm talking about).
As mentioned, the application is currently priced at $0.99. It's compatible with the iPhone 4 and fourth-gen iPod touch natively, but can also run on the iPad 2 in "compatibility mode."
Are you going to risk seeing something unexpected in Facekandi, on your mobile device? Let us know in the comments.