Take Another Joy Ride On The Updated Bumpy Road
June 15, 2011
Bumpy Road is a cute adventure game for both the iPad and iPhone that was recently updated to include some significant and attractive new features.
Go for a joy ride while earning points, jumping over pitfalls and picking up memories. The car drives along by swiping your finger upward on the roadway. There are two different rides to choose from. The Evergreen Ride is where you have to avoid water and pitfalls by jumping in your car, and Sunday Trip, which requires that you pick up different elements along the road.
The updates include: faster loading times, new Game Center achievements and added game features. There are now over 100 new levels and two new tracks inside Sunday Trip. It used to be only one game, now it is divided into three: Classic, Sprint and Marathon. There is also a new braking element called “Brake Gizmo.” If you accidentally pick one of these up, it will slow your car down. The object is to get to the end of the ride as quickly as you can.
At the end of the game, you can sit back in Memory Lane and watch your ride as an old-time movie. This movie is created by the different memories you pick up along the way.
To learn more about the game, read my recent, complete review of Bumpy Road, which you can find here. Bumpy Road is a universal app for iPad and iPhone and is available on the App Store for $2.99