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Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting Now Available For iPhone

June 1, 2011
Capcom has surprised everyone on the iDevice gaming scene when Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting showed up on the App Store today. In our preview, we speculated that the launch date would be sometime in June, as that was what the reports suggested. How does it stack up to the other offerings the series is known for? When compared to the series as a whole, this game appears to be a simpler experience and more focused on combat; however, don't lose hope just yet. Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting appears to be a solid game and isn't just an Infinity Blade clone. Monster Hunter series fans, and newbies alike should at least give it a try. Contrary to what some of the early reports suggested, there is some free-roaming involved. Obviously, it isn't full blown and massive, but the game does offer some freedom of play in the combat arenas. In this version there is even some upgradability and grinding, which the series is known for. The game clearly draws as much inspiration from Epic's iOS smash hit Infinity Blade, as it does from other Monster Hunter games. The combat has you pitted against a monster from an over-the-shoulder perspective. And, not unlike in Infinity Blade, it is also based on swipe-based movements and attacks. There are defensive maneuvers available for the player, as well, and rolls -- so it isn't totally like Infinity Blade. The main aspect of gameplay that differentiates this title is the freedom of movement that it offers in the fighting portions of the game. Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting mixes swipe-based and on-rails gameplay with freedom of movement for the main character. But, combat is not the entire game. The player also has the ability to gain loot from fights and to customize their armor and weapons. One thing iPad owners would like to see more of from Capcom is games released in universal app form. This title, like most of Capcom's offerings, is built for the iPhone and has to be upscaled on the iPad. You can grab Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting on the App store for $4.99.

Mentioned apps

MONSTER HUNTER Dynamic Hunting
Infinity Blade
Chair Entertainment Group, LLC

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