New Tablet Drop Test Reveals iPad 2 Is More Delicate Than Its Rivals
by Joe White
June 7, 2011
A new video has hit the Web, outlining a "drop test comparison" between an iPad 2, Motorola Xoom and Samsung Galaxy Tab.
As you can see in the video (which we've embedded below), all three tablets are dropped from hip-height, unprotected, on a concrete pavement. The results? Well, as you might expect, they're not so good.
Samsung's Galaxy Tab was the least damaged, mainly due to its plastic screen (sure, it's more durable - but it doesn't look good). Next in line is the Motorola Xoom, and the iPad 2 comes last. While we love Apple's second generation iPad, take good care of it - because as you can see, it's delicate.
If you're looking for a way to keep your iPad 2 protected from, well, pretty much anything, take a look at the G-Form iPad Extreme Sleeve. It can protect your iPad from a bowling ball, a car, and much more.
Here's the aforementioned video, be sure to brace yourself.
[via SquareTrade]