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Jailbreak Only: LabelMover - Take Control Of Icon Labels

Jailbreak Only: LabelMover - Take Control Of Icon Labels

July 2, 2011
LabelMover is a simple, free jailbreak tweak that allows iPhone owners to "reposition" application labels. Once installed, LabelMover pushes application labels up-screen, so they sit on app icons towards the top, as opposed to underneath (as you can see in the above screenshot). The tweak is available to download for free, and was developed by Dan Zimmerman (@danzimm) as part of TweakWeek. Obviously, LabelMover isn't going to be to everyone's taste. However, it is worth taking a look at: As mentioned, the package is available to download for free, provided you have added Ryan Petrich's repository to Cydia: "" Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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