Make Organizing Tasks A Breeze With Daily 2Do
Daily 2Do ($1.99) by f-PrimeStudios is an easy to use to-do app allowing you to make a note of all those tasks which seem to clutter your everyday life. With rapid creation, organization and deletion of tasks, Daily 2Do will make a fine replacement for your comparatively bulky Filofax.
The app starts off with a set of helpful instructions showing the various features of the program. Adding a task is as simple as pressing a button and entering a name for it. You can add additional notes if you wish, as well as a reminder. Using the calendar allows tasks to be set for future dates.
Once you’re done with a task, it can either be deleted or crossed off which is handy if you would like to keep track of what you’ve accomplished for that day. Completed tasks are automatically sent to the bottom of the list, but you are given the option of rearranging that list to any order you see fit.
There is one thing missing from this app which I would have liked to see. There is no option for a continuous or paged view of days with tasks setup on them.
In its current form, the calendar has to be used to select various days of the month. And although days with tasks are marked by a small dot on the calendar, being able to scroll through would have been a lot more convenient. Swiping a finger across the screen gives the option to delete a task rather than paging through calendar days.
Overall this small app has a huge amount of potential for being helpful, and is well worth a try.