Remedy Entertainment Is Tipping Their Hat To Duke Nukem In The Sixth Update To Death Rally
July 2, 2011
Six major updates in three months makes it seem like Remedy Entertainment is holding strong to keep their fans smiling in the fight against app dullness. Whether you find that significant or not, you should be able to appreciate Remedy's salute to Duke Nukem with a new vehicle, new gameplay mode, plus plenty of other stuff packed into Death Rally v1.6.
There's nothing childish about the road warriors of previous Death Rally, but you can't salute Duke without a true master of all things four-wheel drive. Therefore, Remedy introduced Mighty Foot, a monster truck with Duke Nukem written all over it. Well, not literally, but it does have a sweet orange paint job and a few large radioactive warning symbols. Collect all 25 Mighty Foot pieces to add it to for virtual garage.
Now that you have a nice new vehicle, it's time to duke it out. The new Duke Match arena is an all out demolition derby for three straight minutes. Destroy more opponents than the Duke before the time runs out to win. All of the typical rules of Death Rally stand except that you respawn upon your destruction. Duke Match is available immediately upon updating the game -- no need to unlock.
Improvements to Death Rally through v1.6 include:
• Radar indicator for boss cars - grey diamond
• New challenges are marked with blinking stars
• Destroyed cars produce more pickups
• More boss voices
• Changed car type for Tex Harris
• Menu arrow animation
• Optimized car part drawing
• IAP description text updated
• New explosive icon
• Bug fix: Missiles and Striker projectiles no longer make impossible turns
• Bug fix: Voice over timing fixes
• Bug fix: Better collisions in Prologue
• Bug fix: Some UI element edges have corrupted pixels in iPad2
• Bug fix: Menu swipe position reseted after "Restart career"
• Bug fix: Added weapon change animation after weapon challenges
• Bug fix: Gatling Gun and Striker ammo indicators no longer have a visual glitch
Death Rally is a universal app compatible with iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, 32GB and 64GB third generation iPod touch, fourth generation iPod touch and newer running iOS 3.2 or later, and available in the App Store for $.99.