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Get Peace Of Mind For Passwords And Account Info With Keybox

Get Peace Of Mind For Passwords And Account Info With Keybox

August 5, 2011
KEYBOX by Jason Fuerstenberg icon

KEYBOX ($6.99) by Jason Fuerstenberg is a new security app designed to keep all your personal data safe in one handy place. The idea is fantastic and well implemented with many fields for data available.

Using the app is simple. Tap the “+” symbol on the top right to create a new “secret” and immediately begin entering details. The interface is intuitive and easy to follow.

KEYBOX by Jason Fuerstenberg screenshot

You can quickly and conveniently store details for just about anything, including email addresses, bank accounts, credit cards, website accounts, places, contacts, photos or a completely custom entry.

If your chosen type of secret does not include all the fields you would like, you can add additional custom fields including name, age, address, telephone number, email, date and time, and many more.

An important aspect of the app is its security. It has the nice feature of helping improve the passwords you choose. Press the “strengthen” button and the password you entered will randomly have letters capitalized or letters turned into numbers such as “s” becoming “5.”

But how secure is the app really? If we are going to store information for credit cards and bank accounts in one place, we need to be certain that the information is very safe.

KEYBOX by Jason Fuerstenberg screenshot

The developer says “Keybox is powered by BCrypt, SHA-256 & AES-256, the algorithms used by major banks and e-commerce sites to safeguard their secrets!” I don’t know anything about those security protocols but if they are as safe as he makes them sound, then this app should be able to do a fine job of keeping data secure.

Personally, I prefer to be cautious and even slightly paranoid. This is a very new app and I would prefer that it be around and develop a history that others can attest to before putting all my eggs in one basket.

However, if you are looking for a relatively safe way to secure mildly sensitive information likely to need protection only from the wandering eyes of your friends and family, this app will do the job well.

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Jason Fuerstenberg

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