Showings Keeps You Updated With Simple And Clean Showtimes

Showings – fast, easy movie times ($0.99) by Indiepants Apps provides a quick way to see what’s playing at your favorite (and local) movie theaters.
Unlike more expansive cinema apps like Flixster, Showings takes the simple approach, quickly getting the information you want and without unnecessary fanfare. If you’re a film buff, or just a frequent movie goer, the app is easily worth the $0.99 price of entry.

In terms of functionality, Showings offers the same value as a quick Google search. The app allows users to search for nearby movie theaters, and then display the showtimes at each chosen venue. Showings can be set to a specific zip code or city, but it’s equally as capable of using the iPhone’s GPS services to locate nearby cinemas. All in all, creating a comprehensive list of local showtimes could not be easier.
Once a list of nearby venus has been produced, users can select one or more of their favorite options. These choices are arranged in a card stack that can be slid through rapidly with only a thumb. Dates are displayed across the top as well, making it a cinch to pick an upcoming day for perusal.
The only complexity Showings offers appears with a click of a movie title: Once prompted, the app produces a full plot synopsis of the chosen film, as well as a casting list and Rotten Tomatoes reviews. Runtimes and ratings are also included, if either of those tend to sway your decision making processes.
Finally, Showings will even hit up Google Maps to give you directions to your chosen theater. All in all, the app makes it simple to find a place, pick a movie, and then get guidance to the location.

It’s a rock solid offering, and one that any frequent movie goer will enjoy.
Compared to other bloated movie applications (most notably Flixter and Fandango), Showings is blissfuly simple. I greatly appreciated the app’s layout and card-based design. In fact, it reminded me most of iOS weather applications, especially the stock iPhone offering.
With such a simplistic design, Showings lends itself to a rapid check in the queue, or a sudden decision to visit the theater -- a godsend for the ever-social and picture-minded individual.
The only chink in Showings’ armor is a lack of further social integration: I would have greatly appreciated the option to email or text showtimes to my friends, or even the ability to post a movie to Twitter or Facebook. Sure, I can do these things on my own, but a quick social networking button would add a whole new layer to Showings’ excellent facade.
At the end of the day, Showings is worth every bit the $0.99 it costs in the App Store. Whether you’re an insatiable movie goer, or just a casual film buff, the app makes it easy to check local showtimes and find a great flick.