Win In Style With Disc Paint And Decal Customization, Available Now In Disc Drivin' And Disc Drivin' HD
August 20, 2011
All right race fans, the time has come for you to do some coolness customizing in Pixelocity Software's Disc Drivin'. Making its debut in v1.8, the new disc customization area provides a way to change the default decal and adjust the primary and secondary colors. So, let's get to it!
After applying the update and relaunching the app, you should fairly easily notice the new Customize Disc option under the Invite Friends button. Upon entering, a preview of your disc is shown in the top-left, current color scheme beside that, and the decal packs listed below.
The default flames decal is pretty cool, and you could just repaint your disc for free. Beyond that are 17 decal packs, and these will cost you $.99 each. If you want to avoid spending any more money but desire to be a bit more original than just a new paint job, there is a blank disc option you can choose within the free pack.
Just to give you an idea of what's offered; NASCAR fans shall enjoy the Numbers set, poker fanatics and the like could snatch up the Card Suits package, a couple smiley faces for those cheerful folks, a Yin Yang / Tai-Chi and radioactive symbol in the Round set, Sports symbols for those athletic types, plus dots, stars, animal icons, and more. The Letters and Numbers sets offer all letters and numbers, the Sports pack includes six images, the Animals and Pointy have five each, and everything else contains four images per package.
There are two more changes to mention brought along in today's update. Not a common area to visit, but you may find yourself going to the Settings section a little more often now. Why? You can now view your how many gold, silver, and bronze metals you've earned in total at the top of the Settings panel. At the bottom of the panel is a new option to swap the positions of the power button and power meter.
Disc Drivin' Free is designed for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 3.0 or later, and available in the App Store at no cost. Disc Drivin' is designed for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 3.0 or later, and available in the App Store for $1.99. Disc Drivin' HD is compatible with iPad running iOS 3.2 or later, and available in the App Store for $2.99.