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"Another World" Is Out Of This World, Literally And Figuratively

"Another World" Is Out Of This World, Literally And Figuratively

September 22, 2011
Another World (Out of This World to North American gamers), first released for the Amiga system in 1991, just turned 20 this year; and -- after working its way across a bevy of different consoles over these many years -- the cinematic action platformer has landed exclusively on iOS to celebrate its big birthday (re-)release. The title's creator, Eric Chahi, has pegged seasoned app developer BulkyPix (Pix'n Love Rush, Burn it All) to bring his aging masterpiece to reanimated life. And, while the story and various world maps are detailed in faithful recreation, the visuals themselves have been updated to stunning, stylized HD. Retro purists shouldn't worry, however, as BulkyPix has added a nostalgia-inducing "low resolution" mode to round out the visual package. Though Another World just launched in the U.S. App Store about three hours ago, the hardworking crew over at IGN received an early build and put together a rave review of the title, including some nifty roll-over screens to compare those new graphics to the old. Fortunately, the dynamic sprites and atmospheric backgrounds retain their old-school look, and early feedback has gamers pointing to Capybara Games' Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP -- which is, incidentally, on sale right now -- as the Chahi creation's artistic and conceptual heir apparent. For those unfamiliar with Another World, IGN warns that the game is, for this day and age, a fairly difficult affair:
With gameplay that's somewhere between a side-scrolling platformer and an old-school adventure game, Another World requires exploration of your environment, a quick trigger finger and some serious logical thinking. You may be stumped on how to proceed on occasion, only to suddenly remember a wall several rooms ago that you should've blasted out with your phaser gun in order to fill a cavern with water so that you can swim across to the next area.
We'll bring you a proper AppAdvice review soon enough, although, if you simply can't wait, do yourself a favor and grab the $4.99 universal app in iTunes right now. I sure did. So, though I have lots of time this evening for Another World, I don't have any more time for another word.

Mentioned apps

Another World - 20th Anniversary
Another World - 20th Anniversary
Pix'n Love Rush
Pix'n Love Rush
Burn it All - Journey to the Sun
Burn it All - Journey to the Sun
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Capybara Games Inc.

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