Help Your Galactic Neighbor Steal Some Cows In Milk Addict

Milk Addict (Free) by Fabrik Studio is a puzzle game which has a baby alien who was flying through space and ran out of milk.
Naturally, he flies to Earth to start abducting as many cows as he can using his Ubertronic Vacuum Device (a name totally of my own invention), but do you have to stop him? Oh no, you’re going to help him get it right.

Each of the 60 levels has one or more cows sitting (yes, sitting) on a patch of grass which forms part of a grid. Also on the field are enclosed wooden fence barriers and various logs that have been hammered in vertically.
Along the bottom, you are given a selection of three pipe sections at a time. You goal is to use those sections to create a complete pipe connecting the ship to every cow on the map. Each piece must be dragged into place and if its orientation is not to your liking, it must be given a tap to make it rotate.
When you’re ready, tap the ship and the vacuuming will commence. This can be done only once per level, so any cows you don’t have sitting at the end of a pipe will not be sucked up and will not contribute to your final score.
What makes this game fun and replayable is those pipe sections are created randomly every time you play a level so there’s never a single solution that you can just memorize.

You’ll also find that the pieces don’t always fit perfectly and you’ll end up with sections of pipe vacuuming nothing. You can see where a pipe is sucking up material by the leafy debris flowing into it.
For each of these leaks in your pipeline, you will have 1,000 points deducted. Just two leaks can often bring your entire score down to zero.
Players are given access to a level editor in the Extras menu which allows you to create your own setup of fences and cows. These levels can’t be saved locally, but can be immediately mailed off to the developer who will then presumably consider making use of them in the game.
Milk Addict is a lot of fun to play and free so it's definitely worth a try.