Find And Destroy The Enemy Before They Destroy You In Naval Ships

Naval Ships (Free) by Armin is the old classic game of Battleship, where each player secretly distributes their ships while the opposing player must try to destroy those ships by guessing where bombs should be dropped. You have the option of playing against a friend or the computer.

You start off with a selection of five ships of different sizes. Drag them to the desired spot and tap the rotation button on the bottom left to choose the orientation. When you’re ready to start, press the Lock-In button.
You are then presented with an empty blue ocean which is where the enemy ships are hidden. Tap anywhere on that ocean to drop a bomb. If you hit a ship, a red explosion symbol appears. You won’t have destroyed the entire ship though so keep bombing around that area whenever it’s your turn to finish it off.
You’ll then have to randomly place more bombs to find more ships. If you miss altogether, instead of the red symbol, you’ll see a purple circle.
The first player to finish off all five enemy ships is, of course, the winner.
Naval Ships is not the flashiest version of this game you’ll ever see and it could probably do with smaller grid squares to fit in more ships, but it does get the job done and is free.