See How Far You Can Go Before Making A Mistake In Jumpfast
Jumpfast ($0.99) by Aron Sommer is an arcade survival game where you guide a ball over a long string of obstacles.
The ball travels along platforms that you can change the angle of by tilting your iPhone. The platforms aren’t connected so you’ll have to jump over them by tapping the screen. There are also small blocks you’ll have to avoid at times.
Up to five jumps in a row can be made without having to land back on the platforms. Because of this, dealing with anything that comes along shouldn’t be too hard, yet it’s surprisingly easy fail.
If you fall down or run into something, it’s game over. There are no additional lives and no second chances.
The most unique aspect to this game is that the camera position can be changed to give a completely different perspective. By tapping the screen with two fingers, the camera will jump over the platforms, behind the ball. It’s almost impossible to tell what angle the platforms are sitting at, but it does make for a nice change.
JumpFast is very simple in many ways, but its replay value is very high.