Surge Forward With Great Energetic Bursts In Super Bit Dash

Super Bit Dash ($0.99) by FakePup is an arcade game featuring an 8-bit superhero that is capable of covering short distances in great bursts of speed. You’ll be jumping over gaps, leaping over spikes, dodging laser beams, and avoiding being crushed.

These bursts of speed are generated by swiping a finger in almost any direction except backwards, which gives you a sudden reduction in speed.
The dashes are powered by gold coins that need to be collected for points. You can have only four at a time, so it’s fortunate they are plentiful. There are more than enough of them for you to be dashing around constantly, which is this game’s greatest strength.
There’s also no cooldown on the dash ability. You can speed along as often as you like so long as you have access to the coins. It’s great to have the freedom to constantly be moving around wherever you want with little to no constraint.

In Classic Mode you are given 20 randomly chosen rooms with two extra lives. In Endless Mode, you have one life and must see how far you can get.
Super Bit Dash is immensely fun and replayable especially since you play to overcome a different arrangement of obstacles every time.