![A Chance To Win A Free Music Downloader SHAKEit Player Pro Promo Code](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/freemusicdownloadershakeitplayerpro_win.jpg)
A Chance To Win A Free Music Downloader SHAKEit Player Pro Promo Code
December 29, 2011
AppAdvice has teamed up with Cotton Interactive, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win one of five promo codes for Free Music Downloader SHAKEit Player Pro ($0.99) for iPhone and iPod touch.
Whether rocking out at a New Year celebration or hanging out at the gym, Free Music Downloader SHAKEit Player Pro is here to add some pizzazz to your music playback experience. SHAKEit Player Pro a random music player with built-in free music download tools that will make your future parties full of musical variety.
After launching the app, you're presented with more than 16 randomly chosen albums from your music library. Next, either tap on the play button covering the center album or begin playback of a different album by simply tapping on the cover art. Another way to change songs, randomly, of course, is to give your iDevice a quick shake. The selection of albums will then be automatically refreshed, providing s brand new set to choose from.
Even though it's the quickest approach, you don't need to use those methods to control the tunes. Tap on the artist and song display at the bottom to open the full song list or tap on the music note near the bottom-right to bring up the standard playback controls.
While many of us have a vast collection of music, no one person has it all. However, the situation of a song request that you don't own doesn't need to be a disappointing one. SHAKEit Player Pro offers easy to use tools to grab songs free of charge. To access this and a few other features, tap on the grid icon in the bottom-right of the music player.
This Free Music section is really an in-app browser. Nevertheless, it allows you to search free music web sites for shared content. Obviously, such a method doesn't guarantee you'll get the results you want, however, it seemed to work fairly well in my testing. Once you've selected a song, you can name it and save it to your iDevice.
The Download section, accessed at the bottom of the screen, contains the download and file managers. Audio files saved to the downloads folder can be played using SHAKEit Player Pro's music player or copied to your computer for cover art and tag management, plus the option to add it to your iTunes music library. To transfer songs, follow the "How to copy files from an iOS app to your computer" section of this Apple Knowledge Base document.
To have a chance at winning one of the five Free Music Downloader SHAKEit Player Pro promo codes, simply leave a relevant comment below or at today's AppAdvice Daily podcast episode before Dec 29 at 11:59 a.m. PST. Only one entry per person is allowed.