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News Regarding iPhone 4S Untethered Jailbreak Hits The Web

News Regarding iPhone 4S Untethered Jailbreak Hits The Web

December 19, 2011
In an update to his iOS blog, the famous iOS hacker @pod2g has posted a chunk of information regarding the status of an untethered jailbreak solution for the iPhone 4S. The update reads:
Hello. Here are the news of the 4S week-end. The untether fails right now because I'm having processor cache issues. I'm close, but I can't figure out what happens. It certainly has something to do with the Cortex-A9 cache management. I could sort it out quick, it's a matter of chance. I'll report you my progress tomorrow.
For the past few weeks now, @pod2g has been gradually working his way through Apple's line of Apple A4-equipped iOS devices, developing jailbreak solutions for each one running iOS 5. Though no solution has yet been released, @pod2g's various updates suggest that a solution will be available to download and utilize soon. However, this latest update cites Apple's fifth generation iPhone handset, the iPhone 4S - something @pod2g hasn't really referenced in the past (leading many of us to believe that he was only concentrating on Apple A4 iOS devices). Because of its dual-core Apple A5 chip, the iPhone 4S has proved to be difficult to jailbreak. Hopefully, @pod2g's update means we'll see a jailbreak solution (untethered or otherwise) become available soon. In the update, the hacker promises to update is fanbase on the situation tomorrow - we'll be sure to let you know if he does.

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