Beat Sneak Bandit Set To Steal The Show Next Week
February 8, 2012
The masterminds of Simogo, the developer of the acclaimed iOS platformer Bumpy Road, have just released a trailer announcing their latest creation. With Valentine’s Day just less than a week away, you’d think the trailer would promote an update that would put a new spin on the automotive adventures of the old sweethearts in Bumpy Road. But instead, what they're drawing attention to is the release of a completely different game next week. It's called Beat Sneak Bandit.
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Judging from the 44 second trailer, Beat Sneak Bandit looks like something I would purchase in a heartbeat, whether its cost is the standard $0.99 price point or not. On the strength of the graphics demonstrated in the clip alone, the game should be a shoo-in for a “Game of the Week” designation by Apple.
The gameplay looks promising, with its cache of challenges hinted at by the tagline, “Rhythm. Stealth. Puzzle.” So, it's a game that’s supposedly rhythm-based, stealth-driven, and puzzle-filled. Whatever that actually means, it sounds like a unique mix of tactical elements. I’ll be sure to get my hands on it next week. You should, too. Beat Sneak Bandit will be available for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on Feb. 16.
(via Touch Arcade)