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Intro Designer Is Now Universal, Plus A Chance To Win!

February 27, 2012

We reviewed Intro Designer for iMovie at the end of last year. It’s a great little app that can help you design introductory sequences for your home videos.

When the various holidays throughout the year are upon us, we usually take videos to capture the occasion. However, having an intro will help make it a bit more special. Intro Designer has plenty of templates for you to choose from, so you will always have something to use as finishing touches on your videos.

The interface of the app is gorgeous, and it’s very simple to use to create those short (around 10 to 15 seconds) intros that transition into your actual video. It’s a great app that just keeps getting better.

The app has been updated to version 1.2, and with it comes universal support (fully compatible with iPad 2) and three new templates. The new iPad interface looks great, and takes full advantage of the larger screen real estate to make it even easier to create your intros.

If you haven’t checked out this great app yet, make sure to do so.

GIVEAWAY: Fortunately, for 10 lucky AppAdvice readers, I have copies to give away! For your chance of winning a copy, just leave a comment on this post (with a valid email so that I may contact the winners) by Wednesday, Feb. 29 at 10 p.m. PST. Winners will be chosen randomly. Good luck!

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Intro Designer for iMovie
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